Securing Plesk by Changing the Default URL

1. Custom Domain: Obtain a custom domain name (e.g.,
and set it up to point to your Plesk control panel. You can then share this
custom domain with your clients instead of the default URL.

2. Also when you are creating account your client the using his domain and you
can give to him his url with using port 8443 like and open login
page and enter id and password.

3. URL Masking or Forwarding: Use URL masking or forwarding provided by your
domain registrar or hosting provider. This allows you to redirect your custom
domain to the Plesk control panel URL while masking the actual URL from
your clients. It essentially hides the default URL and displays only your
custom domain.

4. White labeling: If your hosting provider supports white labeling, you can
customize the Plesk control panel with your own branding and logo. This way,
when your clients access the control panel, they will see your branding
instead of the default Plesk branding. White labeling can help create a more
seamless and personalized experience for your clients.

5. Client Portal: Instead of providing direct access to the Plesk control panel, you
can develop or utilize a client portal that acts as an intermediary interface
between you and your clients. The client portal can provide a simplified and
branded interface for your clients to manage their websites, domains, and
other services without directly exposing the Plesk control panel URL.

6. Remember to check with your hosting provider or refer to their
documentation to explore the specific options available for customizing and
sharing the Plesk control panel with your clients.

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