Plesk is a hosting control panel that allows an administrator to develop new websites, email accounts, reseller accounts, DNS entries, and more. Plesk offers a web-based interface, and it is compatible with both Windows and Unix based commercial hosting servers. You can follow different methods for the installation of the Plesk in Windows. In this tutorial, we can check how to Install Plesk in Linux Server.
Some of the methods by which you can install Plesk in Windows are:
- One-Click Installation
- Using Installer Console
- Using Installer GUI
One-Click Plesk Installation
The one-click installation is a hassle-free and fast method of installing the Plesk server with the default configuration. To install Plesk in one-click, follow the below steps:
First, check if your server conforms to the Plesk installation requirements.
Then, Log in to the server as a root user via SSH.
Run the following in the command prompt to install Plesk.
# sh <(curl || wget -O -
The latest stable version of Plesk with the default configuration and features get installed when you run the above command. Also, the above command applies all the available updates and patches to maximize the security and performance of Plesk. You can always add or remove different components to the installed Plesk. But if you want to have control over what components get installed, then you can perform the Plesk installation via web GUI or console.
Perform the post-install configuration on your Plesk server.
Install Plesk for Linux using the Installer Console
To install specific components of Plesk on your server using the interactive installer console, then you can follow the below steps:
Log in to the server as a root user via SSH.
Download the installation script using the following wget command.
# wget
Next, modify the permission of the installed script.
# chmod +x ./plesk-installer
During the installation, Plesk configures the firewalld with default rules. But, if you want to preserve the current rules configured in firewalld, then execute the following command.
But in the above case, you need to enable the required ports manually to make sure that the Plesk operation runs smoothly. You can open ports in your server via Plesk Firewall extension or firewalld.
By default, during the Plesk installation, 1 GB of swap file gets created. If you don’t want this to happen during the installation, then increase the RAM on the server above 512 MB or execute the following command.
# env PLESK_SWAP=disable
Next, run the following command to launch the interactive installer console.
# sh ./plesk-installer
The above command installs the latest stable version, but if you want to select the version which you want to install, then run the above command with the –all-version option.
# sh ./plek-installer --all-versions
Follow the instruction shown in the console and type ‘F’ to forward and click the Enter key to begin the installation.
After the installation, perform the post-install configuration on your server.
If you need more information about the installation script, run the following help command.
# ./plesk-installer --help
Install Plesk for Linux using the Installer GUI
To install specific components of Plesk on your server using the interactive GUI, then you can follow the below steps:
Log in to the server as a root user via SSH.
Download the installation script using the following wget command.
# wget
Next, modify the permission of the installed script.
# chmod +x ./plesk-installer
During the installation, Plesk configures the firewalld with default rules. But, if you want to preserve the current rules configured in firewalld, then execute the following command.
But in the above case, you need to enable the required ports manually. You can open ports in your server via Plesk Firewall extension or firewalld.
Open the 8447 port in the firewall to make sure that you can access the installer GUI.
Next, run the following command to launch the GUI installer.
# ./plesk-installer --web-interface
The above command helps you install the latest stable version of Plesk. But, if you want to install any specific version, then run the following command.
# ./plesk-installer --web-interface --all-versions
Open any web browser and hit the web interface URL you received as the output in the above command.
Log in to the GUI using the username and password of the root user.
Click the ‘Install or Upgrade Product’ option under the summary tab.
Then, select the product version from the drop-down and click the ‘continue’ button.
Then, select the installation type (Recommended, Full, or Custom) from the drop-down and click the ‘Continue’ button.
If you want to select the packages that you need to install on your server, then select the ‘Preview components selection’ in the previous step before clicking the Continue button.
Then, select the components and packages that you want to install from the list and click the ‘Continue’ button.
Now, the installation process begins, and you can check the console output in the installer web interface.
After the installation, perform the post-install configuration on your server.
Post-Install Configuration
Open Plesk using the following URL.
Log in to the Plesk login page using the root username and password.
If you are already on the welcome screen of Plesk, then skip the first two steps and follow the below steps:
Fill the Plesk administrator email and password in the corresponding fields. Next time when you log in to Plesk panel, you need to use the administrator password.
Paste the activation code in the license field.
Agree to the End-user License Agreement’ by clicking the checkbox next to it and click the ‘Enter’ button to start the initialization of Plesk.
After initialization, you can change the Plesk panel view to Power User or Service Provider view.
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