How to configure EasyApache 4 In cPanel ?

In this Article how to change or enable EasyApache 4 in cPanel and Webhost Manager(WHM).

Using EasyApache 4 enable Apache MPM, Apache Modular, PHP version, PHP extension and Ruby via Passenger  related service enable or disable in this section in cPanel.

Step 1:- Login In to cPanel or Webhost Manager(WHM)

Step 2:- Dashboard left side show option search software category and in  side show EasyApache 4 click on this.

Step 3:- In EasyApche 4 Show Current Package install click Customization option. then select which service is required  Apache MPM, Apache Modular, PHP version, PHP extension and Ruby via Passenger show more category select services

After select service and click on then after last click  Save Profile then wait proneness to enable related services.



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