Deploy Python Project Via GIT SVN

Deploy Python Project via GIT/SVN

You can host any public or your private Python project at Cantech Cloud using the GIT or SVN version control system. It will be properly deployed to the Cantech Cloud  with all the required submodules and dependencies, exported from your remote repository.
To do this, follow the given instruction:

2. In the Add project dialog box, choose the version control system you are working with (Git or SVN) and fill in the required fields:
  • for Git
    • URL to your project (httphttpsgit or ftp link)
    • Branch of your project
  • for SVN
    • URL to your project (httphttps or svn link)
    • Login and Password of your repository (if this is required)
You can deploy just one Python project to your environment, so the Path for your application (i.e. context) will be ROOT by default and can’t be changed.

3.In case the Git repository you would like to access is private, put a tick to the Use authenticationcheckbox. You’ll see an additional section expanded, where you can enter your authentication data.
Firstly, choose the Access type you are going to use for connecting to your remote repository (Passwordor SSH key). Depending on the chosen option, fill in the following fields:
  • enter your Git account credentials (Login and Password) for the Password access type
  • type your Git account Login and choose the appropriate private SSH key from the Select key drop-down list for the SSH key access type (more details on SSH authorization for GIT see here)

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