Update cPanel License On Your Server

cPanel OR WHM you see message which says cPanel license is not activated.

  • cPanel license not activated. Access verify.cpanel.net. Check if the license is activated on server IP. If is not, you will have to opt for one.
  • cPanel license activated but not updated. If cPanel license is purchased, you will have to update it on the server as root via SSH. Execute the command /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt
  • Firewall is not allowing to update the license. When connecting cPanel’s license server, it uses port 80. See to it that outgoing connection on port 80 are opened/enabled.
  • Server’s hostname is not a FQDN. cPanel servers require a Fully Qualified Domain Name to be set as the server hostname. Make sure it is set. Example of FQDN is server.yourdomain.com

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